B.A. Political Science

Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science is one of the oldest departments of the College. It was established in 2018. The Department began to offer Honors course in Political Science from 2018 with a sanctioned strength of 40 students, the Department got the scope to expand its sphere of activities in a larger scale. Various programs to engage the students and enhance their creativity and skills have been introduced, along with innovative methods of teaching.


  • To be a National Center of Excellence for Advanced Studies in the Field of Politics.
  • To Inspire the Next Generation to Develop Ideas on Peaceful Coexistence, the Ethos of Unity in Diversity, Understanding and Respecting Cultures to help Build a Just and Tolerant Society
  • To develop into a Faculty of Political Studies in the near future.


  • To be a leading Department in the Discipline of Political Science
  • To Teach and Research Political issues with Focus on the Contributions of the Indian Scholarship and Perspectives.
  • To Train the Students to become a responsible citizen and contribute to the well-being of the Society and the Country at large.
  • To make the Students Academically proficient and practically vibrant to face Real-Life Situations.


Sem I Sem II
Indian Political Process I Indian Political Process I
Sem III Sem IV
Political Theory I Political Ideology
Public Administration Indian Public Administration
Sem V Sem VI
International Relation (World Politics) Indian World Politics
Political Thought (Western Pol. Thought) Indian Political Thought
Political Process In Modern Maharashtra Determination of Political Maharashtra
Political Sociology(Concept in Pol. Sociology) Political Dynamism & Society
American Political System (American Constitution & Institution) Political Process In the United States
Electoral Politics in India(Electoral Process in India) Media and electoral Process

Teaching Staff

Asst.Proff. Jaya Deshmukh

MA (Pol.Sci) B.Ed

Asst. Proff. Ninad Alhat

MA (Pol Sci)

Course Outcome

After completing the Bachelor of Arts degree, students are able to
  • To acquired the knowledge with facts, fundamental concept and figures concerned with the subjects such as Marathi, Hindi, English, Economics, History and Politicalsciences.
  • To understand the relationship between society, literature and reflection of Universal truths.
  • To Grasp the importance literature in creating aesthetic, mental, moral, intellectual development of an individual and increasing a healthy society.
  • To gain the analytical ability to analyze critically the literature and social issues, appreciate the strength and suggest the improvements for better results.
  • To make learners sensitive about environment issues and sustainable development.
  • To Develop various multiple communication skills such as reading, listing, writing, speaking etc., which will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.
  • To appreciate world classics in the realm of British, American and Indian Literature
  • To make the students to have better personality development, traits, responsible and dutiful citizen