Women Development Cell

About WDC

The Women Development Cell was established in the University of Mumbai in the year 2001. It was done by the then hon. Vice Chancellor of the University. The establishment of the WDC is indeed a landmark achievement of the university in pursuance of the policies of women empowerment within the university ambit. The aim is to build a gender sensitive campus. The University has set up the UWDC to address concerns of gender discrimination and recommend measures and policies for gender parity at the University. After the Sexual Harassment Act of 2013 and the UGC Guidelines of 2015, the University has set up the Campus Internal Committee to address complaints of Sexual Harassment. Further, the University has directed all its colleges/institutions to set up College Internal Committees. The University as per the Maharashtra Public Universities Act is preparing a comprehensive Ordinance for Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment.

The aim and objective of the UWDC is to prevent sexual harassment at workplace (colleges and university campuses) and to promote general wellbeing of female students teaching and non-teaching women staff on the university and colleges. The cell is also responsible to undertake the awareness programmes on gender sensitization, women rights and women empowerment in university campuses and colleges.

The Vice Chancellor Hon. Prof. Suhas Pednekar is the ex-officio president of the WDC. The Chairperson of WDC is Dr. Gita Chadha and the secretary is Dr. Meher Bhoot.


Asst. Proff. J.P. Deshmukh Convener
Asst. Proff. S.S Kamble Member
Asst. Proff. S.R Wasvani Member
Asst. Proff. Ranjana Prasanna Member
Asst. Proff. H.B Bhoir Member

WDC Events

  One Day Legal Literacy Workshop

One Day Legal Literacy Workshop was jointly organized by Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan and Jeevandeep College Goveli.

  Savitri Bai Phule Janm Divas & Balika Divas

Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule's birthday was celebrated on 3rd January at 10:00 am in the class of fyba. She opened the doors of education for girls and opened the first school for girls. Gender feticide should be stopped today. Boy and girl need luggage because girl is equal to man anywhere today. This opinion was expressed by Ghodvidd Sir. He also wished Prof. Jaya Deshmukh and Prof. Tare Sir and the girls a Happy Girls' Day and briefed Savitribai Phule on the work. The President of the Society And the program ended with the national anthem.

  Physical & Mental Examination of Departmental Teaching & Non Teaching Staff.

A physical and mental check-up camp for the professors and other staff of the school was held in the seminar hall at 9 am on December. Dr. Jadhav and his team were present at Parsangi Line Club
Physical and mental examinations were performed, in which all the patients cooperated in the investigation of sugar buds, cholesterol, weight and fever and got a good response. On the occasion of the Yatra, Rashtra Bamrandeke's Manager and Eiler staff as well as Star Help Insurance staff instructed the Professor on Health Insurance.
Soshte and other professors responded well.

  Counseling and Guidance for Girls

On 18th September at 10:00 am in the seminar hall, he was given guidance and counseling for the school girls about his health and sexual harassment (L) as well as menstrual complaints. Bhagyashree Pawar guided the girls. On this occasion, I had a free dialogue with other female professors of the college and shared my questions.

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